Nur Shazleen Salasi's Official blog page

Ya Allah , Ya Tuhan ku , berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menjalani ujian-Mu . Permudahkanlah segala urusanku didunia dan diakhirat . sempurnakanlah hidup orang-orang yang aku sayangi disekelilingku . tiada apa yang lebih beerti selain senyuman mereka . sesunggahnya Engkau peliharalah kami dari segala kejahatan . amin amin ya rabbal alamin .
Thank You for viewing , following , supporting and ing ing ing :D

Sunday, June 26, 2011

how do we get through this

23 june 2011 , thursday
it's two days before the sporsday . everybody is just chilling and so relax one corner likethat haa :D
kononnya lambat lagi nak hari sukan , kan ? cehh tak sedar barang cheer semua tak ready lagi , haihh . but aku ni haa stress gila nak mati fikir mana nak cari tights korang tau hehe
me and bieha and low balik very late on that day . then time tu bieha memang sumpah stress gila kena design baju budak marching dia . then nasib baik hari tu ada low hui mei yang cute lagi baik hati dan kelaka nak mati . dia tolong handle budak marching and cheer combine dekat padang .

lepas semua org da balik , me bieha and low duduk dekat dewan stressing out ourselves hehe
bieha sumpah da tido time aku bebual dgn dia , haihh -,- aku tau dia stress . kesian dia .
then low pulak baca buku and bla bla HAHA
at that time baru teringat bendera cheer tak ada batang , then macam mana kan ?

shh i did something in the store beside my school hall HEHE :p

24 june 2011 , friday
oh come on ! wake up people , it's friday edi :o then today i only attended science class in the very first period of my timetable , and the rest subjects i wasn't so rajin to attend la hehe sorry teachers , me and fyna went to the hall after that science class and jahit bendera cheer and skirt cheer . time tu memand stress gila weyy , tak tipu !
then amoy pun ada lepak dekat dewan tgk kitorang jahit and all .

then in the afternoon all the cheer girls were already in the hall nak practice and prepare barang cheer semua GAHH stress doe , tights semua tak beli lagi sebab duit tak cukup .
i was fucking stress and down at that time !

at last we managed to get enough money to buy those things ;) alhamdulilah , and all thanks to Naziha for being so generous to help our cheer team ;) sumpah kita takkan lupa jasa baik awak .
terimakasih sgtsgtsgtsgtsgt :')

act , semalam sepatutnya pegi amik crepe paper kat larkin , tapi bila sampai je kat larkin , semua kedai tutup ;( rasa macam nak nangis . then today , me , naziha and bieha pergi larkin amik that crepe paper and all lepastu pergi angsana nak bali tights for the cheer girls ;)

the funny thing is the three of us were like in amazing race
lari sana lari sini
lari sana lari sini

angsana boleh pulak balckout annn -___-


then last last dapat jugak semua barang :) alhamdulilah
straight away balik sekolah and kumpulkan semua budak marching and cheer buat semua
last preparation :")