Nur Shazleen Salasi's Official blog page

Ya Allah , Ya Tuhan ku , berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menjalani ujian-Mu . Permudahkanlah segala urusanku didunia dan diakhirat . sempurnakanlah hidup orang-orang yang aku sayangi disekelilingku . tiada apa yang lebih beerti selain senyuman mereka . sesunggahnya Engkau peliharalah kami dari segala kejahatan . amin amin ya rabbal alamin .
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


what the heck ? ! what is this feeling ? God , damn i hate it :(
sometimes we feel so lonely , feels like nobody ever care about us , no one ever tried to coax or to make us feels so warm -,- hmm damn it ! this feeling just appeared when the times the person that we used to love , miss a lot , mean the world to us before , now had gone .

it's hard to fight this feeling :'(
i can't deny the fact that i miss you so much ,
maybe because i put too much hope and love on you .

i hope i can close my eyes and sleep tight tonight =='