Nur Shazleen Salasi's Official blog page

Ya Allah , Ya Tuhan ku , berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menjalani ujian-Mu . Permudahkanlah segala urusanku didunia dan diakhirat . sempurnakanlah hidup orang-orang yang aku sayangi disekelilingku . tiada apa yang lebih beerti selain senyuman mereka . sesunggahnya Engkau peliharalah kami dari segala kejahatan . amin amin ya rabbal alamin .
Thank You for viewing , following , supporting and ing ing ing :D

Saturday, July 16, 2011


first first kitorang plan nak pergi main bowling with farny and all la kan , but then bila tanya siapa yang nak main bowling , sikit je nak main - aku , amir and ija . Farny tak nak main pun act hmmm ;/ So , we changed our plan la kan , konon nak pergi bandar jalan jalan then ingat nak pergi lepak dekat Roost Cafe gituuuu ;p haha menda yang malangnya pun tak tau la that day ,
bila sampai je dekat Roost , TUTUP pulaaaaaaaa -,- haish langkah kiri betul laa y'all ni ! then aku and ija suggested pergi lepak dekat cafe belakang tu haa THAT'S CAFE ;) not bad .

tapi Farny kena balik dulu , sebab dia ada hal :/ hmm then tinggal aku , amir , ija and adik lepak dekat THAT'S CAFE .

enjoy the pictures okay ;)

lama tak jumpa

FARNY datang sekolah yesterday and surprised us all !
terusssssssssss pergi makan vivo excited nak mati wei ! haha
lama tak jumpa dia doe , so paham paham la heh kenapa capture picture mcm org gila gini
act ada lagi ni , tapi byk sgt la haha
gahhh hahahha ;p

Thursday, July 14, 2011

haish tak suka betul la bila da log in blog , nak update tapi blur -,-
nanti da lepas log out baru dpat idea nak update ape kan ?
hmm best sgt mcm ni :O

cepat la , dtg la idea pleaseeeeeee




okay , okay , first of all i am so sorry for not updating my blog like almost a month already aitee ? hmm damn i was so stress my mind and body out lately . kerja kursus yang baru je siap then project addmaths lagi haihh nak pergi mana ni dude ?
menda la yang banyak nahhh ni GRR come on ! i need some time for snoring out loud too okay !

saya rasa sudah cukup penjelasan saya tentang faktor-faktor mengapa saya sudah sekian lama menyepi di laman blog ini :)
sekian terimakasih
mata da kuyup bhaiii

Sunday, July 3, 2011

sekarang ni mcm da malas nak post blog
hm sorry =='

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


what the heck ? ! what is this feeling ? God , damn i hate it :(
sometimes we feel so lonely , feels like nobody ever care about us , no one ever tried to coax or to make us feels so warm -,- hmm damn it ! this feeling just appeared when the times the person that we used to love , miss a lot , mean the world to us before , now had gone .

it's hard to fight this feeling :'(
i can't deny the fact that i miss you so much ,
maybe because i put too much hope and love on you .

i hope i can close my eyes and sleep tight tonight =='